miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

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Top 10 best and worst paid professions in Mexico

The best:

Pilot naval aviator. This category includes all those professions that provide knowledge about the conduct of aircraft.On average, the monthly salary of a naval aviator and pilot is 22 thousand pesos

Aeronautical Engineering. In this profession you devote almost entirely to aircraft engineering, is given the relevant training, technological and scientific to designing, building and servicing to these vehicles.The average monthly salary of a little over 18 thousand dollars

Mining and Metallurgical Engineering. This degree will teach students to appreciate the importance of mineral resources, as well as the best techniques for proper extraction. whose average monthly salary of 17 thousand 800 pesos

Physiotherapy. In this race is provided exclusively necessary tools for the professional to implement physiological rehabilitation techniques. whose average monthly income exceeds 16 thousand pesos

Geophysics and Geology. In these races is prepared giving students general knowledge of the Earth, and the proper exploration and rational exploitation of natural resources found in the subsoil, such as oil and some minerals. whom earn about 15 thousand dollars a month.

The worst:

Musician. Many young people aspire to have their own bands of different musical styles. Some studies have been conducted, while others are self-taught. The problem is that to enter the professional world is very complicated, because a label does not open the doors so easily to anyone. income is not more than five thousand pesos a month

Graphic designer. It is one of the most in demand careers and more these days, thanks to the digital age with which a computer can do great things. wages of no more than seven thousand pesos a month

Psychology. This is another race that have boomed in recent years, so that is taught classrooms where are saturated. Although psychologists have a large work force, the salary is not always attractive. win about seven thousand dollars a month

Journalist. The field of communication is another highly saturated professions; each year, graduating thousands and thousands of people who have studied this degree throughout the Republic, so that something very similar to graphic designers. salary of between seven thousand and eight thousand pesos a month.

Basic Education Teacher. Dedicate your life to teaching, particularly in the basic education sector, not much fruit left to say. According to the same Secretary of Public Education (SEP), this is one of the most poorly paid professions across the country. no more than six thousand pesos a month

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

The 6 lifestyles and their main features

The lucky: Segment mixed with a higher income level than average. They are modern, educated, liberal, cosmopolitan, highly value the image.

Progressives: Most are workers and entrepreneurs.

Modern: Women who work or study and seek personal fulfillment as well as mothers

The adapted: Women workers and family oriented value their social status. always arriving a little late in adopting fashions. Usually work as clerks, mid-level employees, teachers, workers

The conservative: Women Traditional fairly religious trend. Typical "mother hen", always seek the welfare of the children and the family, are responsible for almost all expenses related to the home.

The modest: mixed segment, from low-income, who lives resigned to his fate. There are many people who prefer the simple life, no hassle, and if ossible would live in the countryside. Do not like to try new things. Many are immigrants and have the highest percentage of people of Indian origin.

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

The 70s

The 70 are characterized by very smooth manes or carded and long parted in the middle, marked eyeliners, false eyelashes and natural face intensifying lips and eyes.

Pants bell hippie and ethnic clothes, bright and plastic materials, platforms and a sparkling combination of spectacular colors were the key items for the more fashion.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013


A fad is any form of behavior that develops among a large population and is collectively followed with enthusiasm for some period, generally as a result of the behavior's being perceived as novel in some way. A fad is said to "catch on" when the number of people adopting it begins to increase rapidly. The behavior will normally fade quickly once the perception of novelty is gone.
The specific nature of the behavior associated with a fad can be of any type including language usage, apparel, financial investment, and even food. Apart from general novelty, fads may be driven by mass media programming, emotional excitement, peer pressure, or the desire of 'being hip'.
Though the term trend may be used interchangeably with fad, a fad is generally considered a fleeting behavior whereas a trend is considered to be a behavior that evolves into a relatively permanent change.