martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

7 Steps to a healthy lifestyle

Exercise. Physical activity is not only good for weight loss also improves heart and lung capacity, helps prevent and even treat chronic diseases (such as hypertension, cancer, and depression) and lowers cholesterol. It also improves sleep quality and has a regulating effect of stress, thereby reducing anxiety and mood stabilizing

Rest. Sleep is a health indicator. Some cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic diseases are linked to the quality of sleep.
Relax. Stress is defined as any perceived threat to our body, whether physical (pain, disease, hunger) or psychological (depression, anxiety). A constant state of stress causes us to lose muscle mass and accumulate more fat, raises blood pressure, increases blood cholesterol and lowers good cholesterol levels
Visit your doctor. To prevent and to heal. The doctor can guide you to modify risk factors for new conditions.
Taking 6-8 glasses of water a day. Water helps us to have a good digestion, maintain normal temperature of our body and remove waste products.
Avoid smoking and alcoholism. According to the technical report of the World Health Organization: Diet, nutrition and prevention of chronic diseases, avoid the consumption of snuff and alcohol can prevent gastritis, esophagitis, liver disease and cancer.
Convive. The psychosocial well-being is part of health. Make recreational activities that allow you to have fun and distracting.

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